Monthly Archives: February 2014

Down But Not Out

I feel tired, I feel lost,

Lost in the middle of my thoughts,

Lost in the middle of life’s hustles,

I feel I need to break free,

Free to some under-world or upper-world,

Whichever, I’m not sure right now,

I’m not eve sure if I’m even thinking.


I feel I need to get a life,

Make a step, a bold move or something,

Just move,

Make a difference in my life, the life of others,

But through this step in life,

One thing I’m certain of is God’s loves for me,


I mean, His love is unconditional,

Who can love anyone with all their flaws.

I think i’ll just run into His loving arms,

He will give me rest and guide me through.


Now Lord, I commit all my confusion, fear, flaws and all

For only You alone can guide me.

I’m work in progress, 

That i know without a shadow of doubt,

Or really! Yeah. Really.


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Posted by on 13/02/2014 in Uncategorized


Remaking History

Remaking History

This is so true. Work on yourself first.

~By Pastor Muriithi

Pastor M's Blog

‘I had no idea when we got married that he would turn out to be abusive!’

crying womanJanice held her head in her hands as she sobbed. Her story was one I’d heard many times before. She had sworn she would never end up in the same situation as her mother – married to a physically and emotionally abusive man. When she met Jack soon after college, he was so attentive and caring, the complete opposite of her father. The first time he had hit her was several months into their marriage, and then he had apologized profusely and sworn never to do it again. But now, 4 years in, she was terrified of her husband and feared that the baby that she carried in her womb would become exactly like her.

Why does history repeat itself in relationships?

The reason is that people tend to attract people at the same…

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Posted by on 13/02/2014 in Uncategorized